The Lone Cyclist

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Location: San Francisco Bay Area, United States

Once upon a time, down a long long lonely road...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cycling's Big Guns

The legs belong to Jan Ullrich, and the torso belongs to Michael RasmussenThey eat and eat and eat, but professional cyclists can't get enough meat in their torsos and thus they end up looking like the skeletal remains of of the prehistoric preserved mummys of Pharaohs that ruled Egypt many moons ago. Mommy's cooking doesn't seem to help either.

Big legs, wimpy torsos is the way to go when climbing mountains. Michael Rasmussen is one of the good climbers in the Tour de France, as was Jan Ullrich. Can you imagine that this skinny torso can produce 400+ watts of climbing power?

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Eddy Merckx

Maybe I'll do a blogpost about Eddy Merckx. Maybe....


Friday, July 13, 2007

Where has the time gone?

The Tour de France 2007 season has arrived.

Quote of the day:

A man and his bike is the closest, a human being can bond with his machine...